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Church Strengthening Resources

Governing Documents Evaluation

Clear, comprehensive governing documents protect a church and help guide it toward its mission. Updating these legal documents is an important task. We offer trained assistance to help churches know what must be included to best protect them as they minister.

  1. Assessment of current documents
  2. Conference: Making Bylaws work for you, not against you
  3. Observations


Financial Evaluation

Crafting a budget and understanding how to operate within it is a difficult task for any church. Your association offers consultations and evaluations of the budget process to ensure it works for you and not against you.

Conference: Developing a budget on mission


Natural Church Development Church Health Assessment

Using the Natural Church Development assessment, we can reveal the unique strengths of each church and also their current minimum factor. This proven method of evaluating a church’s effectiveness is then helpful to establish a clear pathway to address the minimum factor and reinforce the revealed strengths and specific identity of any fellowship, leading to greater health and growth.


Strategic Leadership

Understanding what opportunities to embrace and how to effectively pursue them can be difficult for any church. Your association can help you through a guided SWOT analysis, church and leadership assessments, as well as ongoing coaching to better navigate the challenges of embracing the opportunities ahead.

  1. Natural Character Development
  2. SWOT Analysis
  3. Core Values Index Assessment


Conflict Mediation

Conflict is an inevitable, and often necessary, part of teamwork. Properly working through conflict is essential and your association can help with trained mediation and counsel to discern the type of conflict, its roots, and recommendations for how it can best be addressed.


Staffing/Search Team Training

Searching for pastors or staff can be a difficult task. Your association has the resources and experience to help you understand the search and interview process, best practices, and what specifically to look for as you seek out new leadership. We also offer a Core Values Assessment to help reveal more about a prospective pastor’s specific style and natural approach to leadership.

  1. Church Assessment constructing preferred traits of next pastor
  2. Conference: Finding God’s man without losing your mind
  3. Core Value Assessment


Deacon Training

Men apprehended by God to serve the church in this manner often report feeling sorely under prepared for the task. Your association has the resources to help train active and prospective deacons in their God given task of serving the church, helping them understand how they can serve successfully with joy in their respective ministry.

  1. Jim Henry, Deacons: Partners in Ministry and Growth (6, 20 minute sessions; 4 hours total)